a portion of a photographic proof sheet
This is a webpage I created for my CS50.11A class, which was a basic HTML 5 and CSS3 webprogramming class. I plan to update this site more as time progresses, and incorporate responsive design into this site as I learn more about HTML5 and CSS3.
This site inludes photographs I took while in Renata Breth's Black and White photography class at the SRJC.


    • I created a Neocitites account,
      and uploaded this webpage you see here,
      which was created for a school assignment last semester..
    • I updated the whats new section.
    • Added Semantic Tags to Whole Website.
    • Added separate css file for print to Whole Website.
    • Added four more photographs to photo page.
    • Added WHATS NEW section to the main page.
    • Added figcaption tags to info page.
    • Added Bio to About Section of page.
    • I added required elements to page for this weeks homework.
    • I redesigned the whole page & built upon and improved it's look.
    • I added photos to the portfolio page.
    • Various improvements.
a portion of a photographic proof sheet

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