a portion of a photographic proof sheet
Selfie with tape art on Mirror. Part of a series.
Image by:
Miguel A. Molina Jr

ABOUT THE PHOTOGRAPHER: Years ago in the late 90's I took a beginning photography class. I was a junior in high school at the time. My mom bought me a 35 mm camera from a pawn shop and during that semester fell in love with photography. I learned how to use my camera, develop my own film, and print my own photos. After the class was over, I still enjoyed photography, but I never used a dark room again. I would have my negatives developed and printed in a store.

After high school I started volunteering for a public radio station named KPFA, and I became involved in a hip-hop group with my cousin from Santa Cruz. I had learned how to record, edit, mix and master audio in order to put together an album with my cousin and some friends. My understanding of audio, and the equipment used to record and mix the sound, translated easily into radio. I began assisting with music shows and news programs at KPFA, and I would often go into the field with reporters to asset with recording interviews, and to prep the audio for air and send the clip or segment back to the station.

I really enjoy photography, so I began to bring my camera to the station with me. When I would was out in the field, I would often take pictures of the events we covered, speakers, interviewees and musicians. I wanted the pictures to be used on the KPFA website, but I often would give my prints away to people at the station who wanted them. I also used my camera to put together album artwork and my hip-hop group’s old website.

One day the latch on the back of my camera snapped off and the film in my camera was ruined by being exposed to light. I wasn’t able to fix it, so I put my camera away and forgot about it.

I would still occasionally take pictures with a mediocre digital camera with no zoom or ability to adjust the lighting or with my old cell phone. I often would use the digital images in my graphic artwork I did for various fliers and album work. Sadly I didn't enjoy photography like I had with my 35mm camera.

When I obtained an iPhone, I was surprised at the quality of image I was able to achieve with its built in camera. I began using the Hipstamatic app and later Instagram. Once again I began really enjoying photography, taking pictures of anything I find aesthetically pleasing to my eye. This lead me to take Photography at the SRJC.

I took Beginning and Intermediate Black & White Photography while at the SRJC and I loved the whole experience of the class, and appreciate everything I learned. I would like to someday take Advanced Black & White Photography, if I could somehow fit it into my academic plan.

a portion of a photographic proof sheet

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Contact me at falcon.molina@gmail.com